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How to calculate output hours and data?
How to calculate output hours and data?

Estimate cost with the stream calculator

Updated over a week ago

The Videolinq service plans are limited by output hours and data transfer used when pointing to Videolinq as a content delivery network (CDN) from the player we provide, or from other 3rd party players.

Use this calculator to estimate how many output hours or data transfer you will need per month.

Annual term plans have a combines total output hours and data transfer shared between the 12-month term period. For example: the Professional plan has 1200 output hours and 3 TB data allowance per year. These output hours and data rollover within the 12 months of the year. If you used 100 hours and 1 TB data in month 1, you still have 1100 hours and 2 TB of data for the remaining of the term. After all the allocated hours and data were exhausted the account will be billed $1 per output hour and $0.25 per GB of data used.

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