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Live stream from a Webcam
Live stream from a Webcam

Instant live stream by starting live video from a webcam

Updated over a week ago

With Videolinq you can stream from anywhere in just few clicks by using your computer or mobile device webcam as a video source for a channel, and configuring the channel to live stream to a player embed on your website or to multiple social media platforms at the same time!

Step 1

Open a channel in the Videolinq dashboard. Find the "Source" section. Either create a new source or click on the 3 dots to the right to "Edit" and existing source. Click on the Webcam source and "Update".

Step 2:

Enable the webcam source by clicking on the green triangle icon near the source name. Videolinq will ask permission to access your camera and microphone. Click 'Allow'. Video from your camera will appear in the channel preview player. Click the "Settings" icon under the player to adjust webcam video and audio sources.

Step 3:

Push the "Go Live" green button. It will turn to "Stop" red. Your channel is now active.

Next, you can create new destinations (Facebook, YouTube, etc), or create a player. Send the video to your target destinations by pushing the green play icon on the destination, or select "Start All".

If you need help watch our tutorial videos, or contact technical support.

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