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Learn to monetize streams.
Learn to monetize streams.
Updated over 11 months ago


Videolinq offers integration with leading media management and advertising platforms like Google DFP. To use the Videolinq player with the built-in monetization plugin confirm your advertising platform supports the VAST or IMA protocols to call advertising insertions and collect audience data.

Ads on Live Video

Follow these steps to add advertising to streams created for a player that delivers live broadcasts.

  • Create a live channel with a video source.

  • Do not create destinations unless you want to send the video to another CDN (RTMP out).

  • Create a player. If you use Videolinq as your CDN, put here the HLS path we provide in the channel "Player" tab. If you use another CDN, use the other CDN HLS path.

  • Expand the player advertising section and configure your 3rd party ads insertion platform rules (for example Google DFP).

  • Generate the player HTML iFrame code and place it on your website.

  • Start the live stream. The video will show in the player and advertising will be inserted based on the rules you set up.

Ads on VOD

  • Create a new player. Copy the HLS path from your VOD CDN service provider.

  • Expand the player advertising section and configure your 3rd party ads insertion platform rules (for example Google DFP).

  • Generate the player code and put it on your website.

  • Viewers will come to your website and start the player. The video will show in the player and advertising will be inserted based on the rules you set up.

Tips & Tricks

  • We provide basic Ads insertion passthrough service. Most settings and configurations will be done on your 3rd party advertising platform.

  • The player autostart feature requires starting the stream with the audio muted.

  • To enable users to skip Ads check the "Enable Ad skip button". Supporting this feature requires enabling it also in your VAST platform settings.

  • To improve User Experience check "Enable Ad-block detector".

If you need further assistance with this feature open a chat and talk to our support team.

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